Behind the Scenes: How Music Videos Are Made in Thailand

Creating a music video is a complex and fascinating process, involving a myriad of steps and the collaboration of various professionals. In Thailand, the process of making music videos is influenced by the country’s unique cultural and artistic sensibilities, which results in visually stunning and culturally rich productions. Here’s a detailed look at how Thai … Read more

Top 10 Thai Music Artists Who Made It Internationally

Thai music has produced several talented artists who have not only made a mark in their home country but have also gained international recognition, demonstrating the diverse influences, including the impact of Kpop influence in Thai music culture. Here are the top 10 Thai music artists who have successfully made it internationally: 1. Lydia Sarunrat … Read more

The Evolution of Thai Pop Music: A Journey Through the Decades

Thai pop music, often referred to as T-pop, has a rich and diverse history that reflects the cultural and social changes within Thailand over the years. From its roots in traditional Thai music to the modern sounds influenced by global trends, T-pop has evolved into a unique genre that captivates audiences both locally and internationally. … Read more